Defending trade unionism on London Underground

An RMT member

In a ballot for strike action to defend two transport union RMT reps, the result was overwhelmingly in support. A turnout of 46% (higher than the mayoral election turnout of 44% Boris!) voted 66% in favour to defend Arwyn Thomas and Eamon Lynch, sacked by London Underground (LUL) for being effective trade unionists.

Our train members have already taken four days of strike action (seven on the Northern and Bakerloo lines). They are not irresponsible militants as portrayed in the press, they are good trade unionists who are prepared to take whatever action is necessary to get their two brothers back at work.

We call on our brothers and sisters in Aslef, to respect our picket lines, if they pick off our reps they will come for your reps next.

A recent article in the Evening Standard shows the splits in the Con-Dem government. There is pressure on London Mayor Boris Johnson to meet with RMT and settle the dispute. Are LUL willing to flout the Employment Tribunals which found in Eamon and Arwyn’s favour? We demand their reinstatement.

Six days of strike action are planned, starting on 16 May. We will encourage large pickets at every depot and we call on every member to rally to defend our members and our unions.

  • As we go to press the RMT have suspended the strike action after LUL agreed to reemploy Eamon Lynch. There will be further discussions aimed at resolving the unfair dismissal, in advance of his full employment tribunal.