The National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) is at the forefront of the battle against the Con-Dem cuts. The NSSN was initiated by the RMT transport union in 2007 so that rank and file trade unionists could organise together across the union movement and ensure that workers in struggle would be supported.
This role was important in 2009, when workers in the private sector fought a series of disputes at the Lindsey Oil Refinery, the Visteon and Linamar car plants and the Vestas wind turbine factory.
Now it’s the turn of all workers, their families and communities as the Con-Dems look to make us pay the price for the bankers’ crisis. They want to take us back at least 80 years by decimating the NHS, education, public services and the welfare state.
From the beginning, NSSN supporters have played a leading role in setting up local anti-cuts campaigns. To aid the anti-cuts work, in January, at a conference of 600 trade unionists, community campaigners and young people, the NSSN launched its anti-cuts campaign with a majority trade unionist committee.
We say that we must fight ALL the cuts, including those of Labour councils, who shamefully have passed on the Con-Dems’ cuts. Now we must fight the implementation of these cuts – library by library and school by school if necessary.