Andy Bentley, Stoke Socialist Party
Trade union reps and members from PCS, NUT, CWU Postal, CWU Telecoms, Unison, GMB and Unite met on 15 June in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, to plan how to build support for workers taking strike action on 30 June against attacks on pensions.
The meeting was organised by National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) Staffordshire activists with PCS DWP North Staffs branch secretary Pete Rofe playing a key role. Speaking from the platform, Pete explained why PCS members are angry and have voted to strike on 30 June.
Guy Hamnett, CWU North Midland branch chair, highlighted the decision by CWU conference to call on the TUC to organise a 24-hour general strike.
Chris from the NUT, also speaking in a personal capacity, explained that the teachers in his school were mainly NASUWT members and that many of them were angry that they hadn’t been balloted for strike action.
NSSN national chair Rob Williams explained that RMT London Underground workers and Unite and Unison council workers in Southampton would also be taking strike action on 30 June.
Everyone at the meeting agreed the need for a 24-hour general strike of public and private sector workers.
Speaking from the floor, Unison member Joanne reflected the mood which exists among many workers by explaining that she had booked a day off work on 30 June to actively support those striking on the day.
Workplaces not on strike will be leafleted explaining why they should support the action being taken. People affected by the strike, such as parents of school children, will be asked to offer their support as well.
Motions will also go to local branches of unions who are not striking on 30 June, calling on them to join future coordinated strike action.