Education secretary Michael Gove’s latest headline-grabbing wheeze is to convert 200 “failing” primary schools into academies. This is due to happen in September 2012, when in some cases, a new headteacher will be brought in.
But what Gove describes as “a helping hand upwards” for staff in the academies, in practice has meant bullying by headteachers, sacking of staff and chaos and confusion for staff and pupils. Spreading the pernicious policy of academies into primary schools means the destruction of the comprehensive school system.
The Socialist demands:
- Free, publicly run, good quality education, available to all from nursery to university.
- Give schools the resources to meet every child’s needs. Bring class sizes down to a maximum of 20.
- Big business out of education. No to PFI. No to the commercialisation and privatisation of education.
- No to academies and trust schools. For democratic local education authorities (including representatives elected from staff, parents and secondary school students) to control and plan the running of all schools.
- No to selection. For all schools to follow common comprehensive admissions procedures agreed across each local authority.
- For community schools run by democratic governing committees, with paid time off to allow parents’ representatives to attend. Headteachers to be elected from the teaching staff.
- End National Curriculum testing (SATs) and school league tables. For a broad and balanced school curriculum that can engage and develop every young person.