London anti-war demo. Photo: Diego Brasiliense
London anti-war demo. Photo: Diego Brasiliense

Ciaran O’Donoghue, Newham and East London Socialist Party

With the developing situation of Iran’s retaliation for Israel’s strike on its Damascus consulate, thousands of people took to the streets of London to demand an end to Israel’s brutal attacks on Gaza and for the West to cease arming Israel.

At our campaign stalls, at the start and end of the march, it was evident that people had become fed up with pro-war politicians and were desperate for an alternative. There was significant interest in the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition and the anti-war candidates that are running in the upcoming Greater London Assembly elections.

The desire for an alternative to the pro-war parties is also reflected in the fact that many people signed our petitions calling for anti-war candidates. Opposition to Starmer’s Labour was often vocalised. All these factors point towards the development of a real constituency opposed to Labour as well as the Tories. The trade union leaders, representing millions of workers, could play a decisive role in the development of a new party. Trade union support for a workers’ list of candidates in the general election would be an important step forward; it could include Jeremy Corbyn and others.

One passer-by said, “I think we are beginning to make a difference”. There has been a change in tone from some of the pro-war politicians (at least in words) from total unequivocal support for what Israel is doing. There was a UN Security Council resolution that called for an ‘immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan’, for example.

The ruling capitalist class will not take any necessary action to end the horror in Gaza. Such action can only be taken by independent working class organisation both in Britain and internationally. We need socialist and anti-war candidates to stand up to the interests of the ruling capitalist elites.


Helen Harris, Swindon Socialist Party

Socialist Party members in Swindon were out in force again to support the latest Swindon Palestinian Solidarity action, taking place in Regent Circus – a favourite spot for protests. Swindon Palestinian Solidarity has been extremely successful in organising support and raising money for the ongoing, disastrous war in Gaza – where many of the group have relatives or friends.

Speakers talked about the numbers of dead, the attacks on hospitals and schools, the targeting of journalists, healthcare workers, teachers and even children going to fetch food from the few aid trucks that are allowed access to Gaza.

Socialist Party member Scott Hunter gave a rousing speech about solidarity between the low-paid Palestinian and Israeli workers – who would have more in common than with those wealthy Israeli capitalists who benefit from the cheap labour provided by oppressed Palestinians.

The group then marched through the pedestrian precinct, stopping at Barclays Bank and McDonald’s for more speeches. A minimal police escort was in place and it was another successful, peaceful march.