Sean Figg
The trade union fightback against the Con-Dems’ austerity agenda is underway. Half a million demonstrated in London in March; in June 750,000 civil servants, teachers and lecturers took coordinated strike action.
In our determined campaigning for both these important first steps, the Socialist Party played a vital role.
These, however, were just the opening skirmishes in what will be a long war. The Con-Dem government, egged on by big business, remains single-minded in its relentless onslaught on jobs, pensions, terms and conditions, and public services.
But we are not yet fighting at full strength. It is clear that the majority of the TUC leadership has no strategy to stop the Con-Dems’ cuts and no alternative to Labour’s “slow” cuts.
The right-wing leadership of the biggest public sector trade union – Unison – is dragging its feet. Unison members in local government and health are desperate to join their colleagues across the public sector in coordinated strike action to save our services.
Socialism 2011, the Socialist Party’s weekend of discussion and debate, will tackle the key questions facing the trade union movement. How can we mobilise the full power of the organised working class?
How can we unite the public and private sector unions in industrial action? How can we defeat the anti-trade union laws? What strategy and programme do we need?
Socialism 2011:
Socialism 2011 is a weekend of discussion and debate hosted by the Socialist Party. It takes place in London on 5 and 6 November. If you want to defeat this government of millionaires book your ticket today!
We will hear from leading trade unionists from across the movement and workers in struggle.
Socialism 2011 will explore the issues that the right-wing trade union leaders are scared to touch.
Book online at or phone 020 8988 8779. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Socialism’ and sent to Socialism 2011, PO Box 24697, London E11 1YD
Sessions will include:
- How can we build fighting unions?
- How can the anti-cuts movement win?
- NHS: big business’ latest brand?
- ‘Free’ schools at a high price: defeating the attack on comprehensive education
- The hardest hit fight back
- Lessons of the Minority Movement and the National Shop Stewards Network today
- How can councillors fight the cuts?