Picket lines outside police stations – not a common sight! But police support staff in Nottinghamshire, members of Unison, recently held two one-day strikes protesting about redundancies.
170 civilian jobs have already been lost due to cutbacks. A further 746 jobs are at risk – in areas such as Scenes of Crime Officers, forensic staff, 999 call centres and police station front counters, and many other professional, technical, administrative and clerical posts. On a 40% turnout, 66% of Unison’s 1,000 members voted for strike action and 81% for industrial action short of a strike.
Unfortunately, Unison’s leaflet says: “We know some cuts have to be made… We want Nottinghamshire Police to talk to us and agree the best way forward for making cuts, minimising redundancies, saving money and making the Force fit for purpose.” The union will get the strongest response from its members and the most solidarity from other public sector workers by clearly opposing all cuts and job losses.
Police station picket lines will be seen more often if the attacks on workers’ jobs, pay and pensions continue.