Youth protest movement grows in Israel

William Andrews

On Saturday 3 September 430,000 Israeli youth and workers marched through the major cities of Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa, as part of an ongoing youth-led protest and ‘tent city’ movement.

This comes after a wave of mass demonstrations in July and August against the rising cost of living in Israel, and its capitalist government’s policies. In particular, there is huge anger about the high cost of housing.

This will strike a chord with young people here in Britain where a record number are having to move back in with their parents because they can’t afford rocketing rents.

Clearly, while a step in the right direction, there is more to do to unite Israelis and Palestinians in a common struggle that fully incorporates the argument for rights for Palestinians.

Just recently I heard news of the proposed demolition of 12 homes and one school in the Bedouin settlement of Khan al Ahmar to make way for the West Bank Barrier, destroying the community, and forcing its citizens further into poverty as a result.

This is another example of the ongoing struggle of Palestinian communities against the occupying Israeli forces.

But these mass demonstrations could be the start of a wider movement and the mood is certainly growing among young people and workers for major political overhaul.