“We, the undersigned, support the call for trade unionist and socialist candidates to stand in the Greater London Assembly elections in 2012, committed to opposing all cuts, privatisation and PFI.”
New signatories, all in a personal capacity, include: Joe Simpson Assistant Secretary POA union; Linda Taaffe executive member Waltham Forest Association NUT and secretary NSSN; Vikhas Chechi Queen Mary University of London Unison branch secretary; Elenor Haven PCS LR Lincoln’s Inn Fields branch secretary; Glenn Kelly Defend the Four; Mark Dolan Communication Workers Union North/North West London Area delivery rep; Jenny Sutton branch secretary UCU CONEL.
New signatories from the RMT transport workers’ union include: Arwyn Thomas; Oliver New chair Piccadilly and District West Branch; Unjum Mirza political officer London Transport Regional Council; Glenroy Watson Chair Finsbury Park branch; Nora O’Sullivan Camden 3 branch; Rebecca Crocker industrial rep; Mick Crossey branch secretary Camden 3 Branch; Pat Sikorski AGS; Richard Alcock Waterloo branch; John Leach ex-president of the RMT
For more info, to add your name and/or to get copies of the appeal letter and petition, go to www.tusc.org.uk or email [email protected]. The appeal letter was also caried in issue 688 of the Socialist.