Occupy London Stock Exchange (Occupy LSX) completed its first full week on Saturday. With rumours of impending eviction from St Paul’s courtyard flying about a large crowd turned out to support the occupation.
At the general assembly in the afternoon Paul Callanan from Youth Fight for Jobs was among a number of speakers. Paul brought greetings from the Jarrow March. He pointed out that the marchers and the occupiers shared similar aims.
The Jarrow marchers were determined not to become a lost generation. The march itself was just the beginning of their campaign to restore the EMA, put an end to unpaid internships and fight for jobs and a decent future for young people.
A big cheer went up when he put forward YFJ’s total opposition to any university fees.
The Occupy movement itself seems to be spreading. A new encampment has sprung up at Finsbury Square, round the corner from Liverpool Street station in the heart of London’s finance district.
Neil Cafferky
New figures show the biggest drop in university applications for 30 years as school leavers show how they feel about the prospect of £50,000 debt. City University in London saw applications drop by 40%. The Sunday Times reported that “teenagers from poorer families are proving more hesitant about applying”. YFJ demands free education for all.
The Jarrow marchers’ blog is well worth the read. It includes a march diary, updates on the activities of the march and details for the 5 November demo in London.
Here’s Alex Moore’s rap. He says: “it’s a bit of a work in progress, so bear with me.”
Bring bring, bring bring,
Bring bring, BRING BRING
Tories on the phone,
Tell them to leave our services alone!
Knock, knock,
Clegg at the door,
Tell him we won’t take the cuts no more!
Tweet tweet,
There’s a message on twitter,
The poor are getting poorer, and the rich are getting richer!
Bleep, Bleep,
You got mail!
The NHS is not for sale!
Just updated my Facebook status!
‘Why are the government always at us?’
No one stands for you! No one stands for me!
We need a new mass workers’ party!
Get your Jarrow march t-shirt now!
£10 (+ £2 p&p)
Available in sizes:
Men’s S, M, L, Xl, XXL and women’s M, L
Order online at www.jarrowmarch11.com or send your order with a cheque made out to ‘Youth Fight for Jobs’ to PO Box 858, London E11 1YG
March for jobs
75 years ago 200 unemployed men from Jarrow marched from their home in the North East to London to demand jobs and an end to their poverty conditions.
Youth Fight for Jobs is marching their route again to demand:
- A massive government scheme to create jobs which are socially useful and apprenticeships which offer guaranteed jobs at the end – both paying at least the minimum wage, with no youth exemptions.
- The immediate reinstatement of EMA payments, expanding them to be available to all 16-19 year olds, and the scrapping of university fees.
- The immediate re-opening of all youth services that have been closed, including reinstating sacked staff.
- The scrapping of ‘workfare’ schemes – benefits should be based on need not forced slave labour.
- A massive building and renovation programme of environmentally sound, cheap social housing.