Stoke Socialist Party’s public meeting success

    Andy Bentley, Stoke Socialist Party

    The Socialist Party’s public meeting in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, on 24 November was packed. This compares to Labour, the Tories and Lib Dems, who have had no public meetings locally to outline their policies during 2011.

    Why are these parties so afraid of explaining what they stand for? Could it be because all three attack the living standards of the millions for the benefit of the millionaires?

    Our meeting was billed as Capitalism in Crisis – Fight for Socialism – an idea that can change the world!

    Workers from the NHS, call centres, engineering, catering industry, pottery, teachers and postal workers along with students, the unemployed and disabled came to hear Socialist Party deputy general secretary, Hannah Sell.

    Hannah outlined how only genuine socialist measures could solve the economic crisis and provide a decent future for this and future generations. Plans were also made to give maximum support to workers taking strike action on 30 November. Many were attending their first Socialist Party public meeting, some of which, including Unite union and Communication Workers Union reps, said they were seriously thinking about joining the party.

    An advertisement for the public meeting on the local Sentinel newspaper website attracted over 70 comments and was at the top of the ‘Most Commented’ list for three days and at the time of writing still is!

    Another public meeting will now take place at 7.30pm on Thursday 1 December, Sacred Hearts Social Centre, Hanley, ST1 3BY, to discuss where we go next after the 30 November strike.