NSSN rally outside Congress House, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson

NSSN rally outside Congress House, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson   (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)

NSSN lobby of the TUC, 9th September: “Why I’m going to Brighton”

Linda Taaffe

To fire the imagination of the million workers expected to march behind the TUC banner on a second monster demo on 20 October, a slogan has been conjured up by the TUC leaders – “A Future that Works”. .. Eh? What? Is that it?

What happened to fighting demands: ‘No to Cuts’, ‘We want Jobs and Homes’, ‘Make the bankers pay’, and the like? Or could this be a clever play on words? A future that works surely can’t be capitalism.

The bosses’ system is patently not working, certainly not for a million unemployed young people, the lost generation.

Could this slogan possibly hint at a socialist future? Are the TUC leaders really supporting a change from a system that is all about the lust for profits to a system based on planning for need? At the end of the day, who knows?

I am not inspired by sophistry. I want a clear strategy. Myself, and all those who get to the demo, need to return to our workplaces with a clear idea of what we actually need to do to get “a future that works”.

It won’t drop into our lap. The bosses will see to that. It’s not likely to happen even with the election of a Labour government. Labour’s policies are market-driven too. But workers – organised – could do it.

The National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) calls for the TUC’s 20 October demo to be followed up by mass action – a 24-hour general strike for starters. This is the reason why I am going to the Brighton Trades Union Congress that starts on Sunday 9th September, to lobby the delegates, and the TUC leadership, to urge them to begin a serious discussion about ‘what next’ after the demo

I passionately want a future that works, for my grandchildren fast approaching working age, for the children in the school where I teach, and for all other youngsters.

But it is the next step the trade union movement needs to take to get towards that goal that is the burning question of the day.

Lobby the TUC for a 24 hour general strike

Assemble 1pm at The Level, Union Road, Brighton BN2, for a march at 1.30pm to Brighton (conference) Centre and then a rally


NSSN Model Motion
Striking back at Austerity!

This (Union Branch/Region/Trades council/Anti-cuts group) supports the TUC demonstration of the 20th October with the aim of getting 1 million onto the streets.

A demonstration of trade unionists, young people, pensioners and the community will show Con-Dem coalition that working people demand an alternative to austerity.

The Con-Dems’ assaults on the welfare state continue almost daily, with increasing numbers of attacks on young people and some of the most vulnerable in society.

This is at the same time as bankers get off scot-free and continue to hoard billions, with shocking revelations of banking scandals hitting the headlines almost daily.

Working people are appalled, and many, like Unite nationally, have called for the nationalisation of the banks as an alternative to the profit-motivated system that exists for the benefit of the 1%.

We recognise that although the 20th October march will show our determination against cuts and for a fight for an alternative, it won’t be enough to stop ALL cuts, as workers are still losing jobs, homes and services, with only 15% of the cuts having gone through.


This ( ..branch etc.. )

1) Calls on the TUC General Council to build on the historic 30th November 2011 public sector strike by organising a one-day general strike of public and private sector workers against cuts.

2) Supports the NSSN demo and rally at the TUC in Brighton on 9th September 2012 campaigning for public/private sector national action, agrees to donate………. to NSSN to support the rally, and agrees to send a branch delegation to the event.

3) Agrees to organise meetings/activities to get the maximum turnout of members for the TUC demo on October 20th.