Campaign Kazakhstan: Solidarity concert for those facing oppression


Tuesday 2 October, 7pm

Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church

235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8EP

Tickets £10/£6

Cellorhythmics, the forerunner of the non-classical cello movement, was founded by renowned Kazakh cellist Alfia Nakipbekova and award winning composer James Hesford. Their music brings together the rhythmic elements of jazz, blues, world and funk, combined with exuberant virtuosity.

Cellorhythmics (three cellos, bass guitar and percussion) has performed in numerous festivals throughout UK and Europe.

Kazakhstan is currently witnessing heroic events. Those who stand up for human rights are threatened, imprisoned or worse. The dictator president Nursultan Nazarbayev is desperate to cling on to power in the face of unrest from below. Campaign Kazakhstan works to offer international solidarity to those in struggle against repression.

Recently, as a result of a massive international solidarity campaign, Vadim Kuramshin – human rights lawyer and political opponent of Nazarbayev – has been cleared of fabricated charges of extorting money from the district prosecutor. Vadim had faced up to 14 years imprisonment. See full account on