The battle to defend the health service
Come to this rally at Socialism2006
Sunday 26 November,
3pm – 4.30pm
University of London Union (ULU), Malet Street, London WC1.
Speakers include:
Dr Jackie Grunsell, Huddersfield Save Our NHS councillor.
Dot Gibson, secretary of Keep Our NHS Public (personal capacity).
Len Hockey (Whipps Cross Hospital UNISON joint branch secretary and Socialist Party member
Cuts in the NHS are taking place across the country. Blair and Brown’s drive for private profit is devastating our health service. But for every cut threatened, there are people fighting back.
The huge demonstrations that have sprung up in rural areas, seemingly out of nowhere, are reminiscent of the early days of the anti-poll tax campaign. They show the potential for a national, co-ordinated campaign to stop the attacks on the NHS.
What can be done to save the health service? What is the alternative to Blair and Brown’s PFI fiascos? Come to the Socialism 2006 NHS SOS closing rally and find out.