Tamil demonstration in London, photo D. Carr

Tamil demonstration in London, photo D. Carr   (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)

Tamil Solidarity was set up in 2009 as Tamil-speaking people were being slaughtered by the Sri Lankan armed forces. It’s estimated that 75,000 Tamils were massacred.

The north and east of Sri Lanka have become a militarised zone. A massive land grab is taking place while the regime is privatising services, attacking workers’ rights and jailing political, trade union and human rights activists.

Tamil Solidarity stands for the right to self-determination of Tamils and the rights of all workers and oppressed people in Sri Lanka.

This year Unison’s national conference voted unanimously to affiliate to the campaign, as have many trade union branches.

Building solidarity among trade union members and young people is the priority, here and internationally. A ‘join the union’ initiative aimed at Tamil workers in Britain is also planned.

Join Tamil Solidarity! Find out more by looking at the website. Get your union branch, college society or community group to affiliate today!
