Brighton’s Greens vote for cuts in workers’ allowances

Brighton and Hove Socialist Party

Brighton and Hove council’s policy and resources committee, on 24 January, proposed a review of allowances received by staff. These allowances frequently make up large parts of workers’ wages.

£4,000 of a refuse worker’s £17,000 annual salary is made up of these payments, according to the GMB trade union.

After the public gallery was cleared of angry bin workers for the vote, the Greens and Tories accepted the proposals.

Details will now be developed by a group of three council officers, while Green council leader Jason Kitkat made it clear they would impose the changes unilaterally if there was no agreement from the trade unions.

The next round of Brighton and Hove cuts is expected to reach £25 million.

A wave of anti-cuts feeling brought the Greens to power in Brighton and Hove in 2010. Why can’t Green councillors stand up for the people who elected them?

No to Green cuts petition: