The 2 February Socialist Party paper sale and stall in Llanelli town centre supported Unison Carmarthenshire branch’s campaign against cuts in services and jobs proposed by the council and the campaign to save St Paul’s old people’s home.
There will be a lobby of the Labour-led Carmarthenshire council at the County Hall, 8.30am on 12 February.
Les Woodward
Coventry Socialist Party members hit the streets once again on Saturday, campaigning for the third week running for an increase in the minimum wage to £10.
Initially the demand for £10 raises the odd eyebrow among some people who think it may be too high. However, once we’ve started talking about the mega profits being made by the big corporations, the MPs giving themselves an 11% pay rise and that the 85 richest people in the world have the same wealth as the 3.5 billion poorest, people often say perhaps it should be higher!
Among chats about the minimum wage we still get passers-by bringing up the fact that Socialist Party member Dave Nellist only took a worker’s wage when he was a MP.
Paul Gibbons
National Congress
The Socialist Party’s 2014 national congress will take place on 8-10 March. Congress is the main decision-making body of the Socialist Party.
Every branch should plan discussions on the congress documents and set aside time to elect the delegates.
The documents on British Perspectives, party building, sales of the Socialist and finance have now been sent out to branches.
21 February is the deadline for branch resolutions, booking crèche places, and getting delegates names and £10 deposits to the national centre.
28 February is the deadline for branch amendments and visitors’ names.
We appeal to all Socialist Party members and readers of the Socialist to help support delegates’ and visitors’ attendance costs, as well as support the Congress fighting fund collection. Contact your local Socialist Party branch organisers or phone 020 8988 8777.