Vadim Kuramshin on hunger strike
Please sign the online petition today!
The human rights lawyer Vadim Kuramshin in Kazakhstan has announced an indefinite hunger strike in protest at the cruel treatment he is suffering in prison. He is already very emaciated and ill.
Campaign Kazakhstan appeals urgently for signatures on its online petition – it can be signed with a click. Go to
You can also share the appeal on Facebook.
Update, 9th June:
Welcome news has been received that Vadim Kuramshin has suspended his hunger strike. He is to be moved to a new place where he will get medical attention. Hundreds of protests were sent to the authorities and a delegation visited Vadim at the prison and made demands about his treatment.
Many thanks to all who responded to the appeal for protests. Those who have not yet signed can still go to the online petition on The battle to get Vadim freed from detention and all charges against him dropped will continue.