Pensioners Parliament opposes austerity
Pensioners from around the country gathered in Blackpool on 17 June for the three-day annual Pensioners Parliament organised by the National Pensioners Convention. The event kicked off with a lively march from the Tower to the Winter Gardens. With music and banners flying the march attracted plenty of interest from holidaymakers and local residents. Socialist Party members distributed 400 specially produced leaflets and sold copies of the Socialist.
Following the march there was a rally with speakers from a wide range of groups including 38 Degrees and Age UK. Dot Gibson supported the NPC policy of Generations United which aims to build strong links between NPC members and young people, the pensioners of tomorrow. Owen Jones highlighted the need to unite young and old against government attacks on the universalism of benefits which will hit the poorest the hardest. Another platform speaker expressed concern at the fact that 56 local councils had closed their Meals on Wheels services yet malnutrition costs society more than obesity.
Workshops covered many vital issues, including: Pensions and Benefits; A bus pass but no buses; A campaign against loneliness; and Where next for the NHS? An indication of pensioners’ anger at the cuts was expressed by a delegate from the Sheffield Freedom Riders, a group of pensioners who travel on the trains without paying as a protest against the withdrawal of their free travel passes.
In the NHS workshop Dr Louise Irvine of the Save Lewisham Hospital campaign opposed the privatisation of the NHS, citing the fact that 70% of £11 billion of tenders have gone to private providers. She also said that spending on the NHS is down to 2003 levels, a consequence being that there were only five new district nurses in London last year.
All in all the Parliament illustrated the growing anger and militancy of pensioners. Pensioners are involved in campaigns and struggles against this government up and down the country. We must oppose all attempts by the Tories to divide young and old. Our slogan must be: ‘young and old, unite and fight!’.