Sheffield: Green workers red with anger

Alistair Tice

Money for old rope! Trade unions suspect that the boss of the ‘charity’ company running Sheffield’s recycling centres is taking excessive consultancy fees and expenses out of the accounts.

Pete Davies, GMB regional officer said: “What’s come to light is that £60,000 is paid out and that’s absolutely incensed our members. They’ve seen their hours reduced, they work weekends and evenings without premium rates, and all of this money is being siphoned out”

So 30 recycling workers, GMB members, went on strike on Monday 6 October and will strike again for four days from Friday 10 October. They are demanding premium rates, welfare facilities on site, and an end to the bullying of some members (for whistle-blowing about these financial improprieties).

The Green Company was set up in 2012 after charity SOVA, which used to run the recycling centres, transferred its share capital to another charity Salvaire.

The Green Company is sub-contracted to run the sites by multinational Veolia, which is contracted by Sheffield’s Labour council to run the privatised waste management services. Profit from The Green Company goes to Salvaire.

Martine Laffan-Butler is a trustee and chairman of Salvaire and director and executive chairman of The Green Company.

Last year’s accounts from Companies House show she was remunerated £10,085 expenses as director of The Green Company. Another company for which she is a director, Roughly Translated Limited, was paid £45,146 by The Green Company for consultancy services, and £3,997 for expenses.

Pete said: “That’s angered our members. If there is this money, then why are we still waiting for facilities like showers? A decent toilet in winter, somewhere to have a wash and a bit of honesty isn’t a lot to ask for.”

This whole saga is an embarrassment to the Labour council who must end Green Co’s contract immediately and take recycling services back in house.

These workers took over 30 days of strike action two years ago and won’t be fobbed off any longer.