London Underground workers ballot for strike over pay

RMT MEMBERS working in all grades across London Underground (LUL) are to vote on strike action. The 6,500 workers are voting over the failure of management to pay a 4% rise that should have been settled and paid on 1 April 2006.

An RMT member

We urge all members to vote in the ballot and give a resounding ‘yes’ vote. LUL management have dragged their feet in paying the 4% and have done all in their power to try to provoke the RMT into strike action.

They have tried to tie us into a multi-year deal, which will mean a below-inflation pay settlement.

Official figures released in the last few days suggest that inflation is currently at 3%, and nearer 5% in the London region.

Management are also trying to tie RMT members into performance-based bonus payments which members are opposed to. Performance is hindered by the fact that staff are working on a network which is suffering from the effects of privatisation and under-investment.

Management is also coming for staff with a draconian disciplinary and attendance policy and an attack on pension rights. The undercurrent from London Mayor Ken Livingstone and management is that they want to ‘deal with the RMT’.

If management succeeds in defeating the RMT, they will come for ASLEF and the other unions next.

We need a solid and united strike. We also need to leaflet passengers, pointing out our policy calling for renationalisation of the Underground, no sell-off of the East London line, for investment in the ageing Underground network, for ticket costs to be drastically reduced, for ticket office closures to be halted and guarantees that there be no reduction in the number of staff across the network. And for a publicly owned London Underground run for the needs of the public not for profit.