Demo against Le Pen
Thursday 5th February, 5.00pm
Oxford Union, St Michael Street, Oxford
Unite for jobs, affordable housing and a living wage for all
Build an alternative to austerity – vote TUSC in May 2015; and fight for socialism
The Oxford Union has scandalously invited French far right politician Marine Le Pen, president of the Front National, to speak in Oxford on Thursday 5 February.
The Oxford Union is providing a platform for racism and reaction and must be opposed by all those fighting in the trade unions, communities, colleges and schools for an end to the cuts that are destroying our future.
To defeat racism and the cuts agenda we need to build a powerful united movement of workers and youth across our communities. Especially important is the role of organised workers in the trade unions who have the power to challenge the employers and their political allies who attack our jobs, pay, pensions and public services.
Le Pen, the Front National and the far right in Britain want to whip up racism which divides that movement. They protect the interests of the rich and powerful in society and offer nothing to those suffering at the hands of the government.
The Socialist Party in Oxford calls for a movement to unite those in the trade unions in collective action, coordinated strike action to defend jobs and services but also to link up with the young and unemployed to fight for full employment, affordable housing for all and a living minimum wage of £10 an hour.
Cuts-making councillors
We give our support to those opposing Le Pen in Oxford and will be part of the demonstration. However, we do not agree with the approach of Unite Against Fascism and the SWP, who in opposing the threat of the far right, provide a platform on the counter demo for those who are carrying out the cuts, like Labour councillors in Oxford.
Labour’s role in carrying out cuts in Oxford is causing the problems in our communities, which in addition to poverty pay and high rents, creates the breeding ground for racism and fascism. Labour nationally has promised to continue with the Tories’ cuts if elected to government in May.
That is why we are helping to build the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, which is standing anti-cuts candidates in the local and national elections to build a clear alternative to austerity and increasing inequality.
The dramatic victory of the anti-austerity party in Greece, Syriza, should give us all confidence that there is support for such a future. If you agree, join the Socialist Party and help us build support for TUSC candidates this May.
Oxford Socialist Party members