Campaign to Defeat Fees, Brighton
Building for the 22 February Day of Action
The disgusting claim from a Guardian survey of 40 university vice-chancellors that fees would need to rise to £10,000 per year shows the urgent need for a mass united campaign against fees.
Suzanne Beishon Brighton University
This is why we have launched the Socialist Students-initiated Campaign to Defeat Fees (CDF) in Brighton, with a bang in the new term.
We have drawn up a plan of action and have already begun weekly campaign stalls and leafleting at Sussex University, Brighton University and Varndean College.
Many of the students we have spoken to have felt sold down the river by the National Union of Students (NUS) because of their failure to provide a fighting lead against fees. We need to put pressure on the NUS leadership and fight for an active national campaign that reflects the huge anger felt by students nationally. That is why we have taken letters calling for support for the campaign to all three student unions and are standing candidates in the elections for NUS conference delegates.
We are planning protests at both the universities and the college for the Socialist Students’ national day of action against fees on 22 February. We are campaigning for as big a turnout as possible and have arranged a joint meeting of the universities and college on the Campaign to Defeat Fees with a guest speaker.
It would only cost £3 billion a year to eradicate fees and yet the Blair government, which is planning to spend £76 billion on the renewal of Trident, tells us that there is no money to fund education!
This is why we will also be sending as big a delegation as possible to the ISR/Socialist Students’ national conference on Sunday 18 March to discuss and debate the alternative to this hypocritical capitalist system that puts profit ahead of education and the needs of the mass of people in the world.
International Socialist Resistance/ Socialist Students – conference
campaigning to defeat fees
fighting for rights at work
for young people & students who want to organIse & fIght back!
Sunday march 18 10am- 5.30pm.
put the date in your diary now!
Holloway Resource Centre
356 Holloway Road
London N7 6PA
come along to the ISR & socialist students conference to have your say!