Protesters in Peterborough have occupied Aqua House, formerly Environment Agency offices for the city council. The building has been empty since the council outsourced many of the jobs. Banners have been draped on the building with slogans including “social housing not social cleansing” and “end austerity now”. The council has threatened “legal action to evict the squatters” – but at present, protesters are standing firm. Carl Harper spoke to one of the occupiers.
Why have you occupied?
We wanted to highlight homelessness issues, and provide somewhere for homeless people to sleep and keep warm. It also gives those left behind by the system a voice.
The site Aqua House is on has plans for ‘executive’ housing and offices, not social housing. The housing waiting lists in Peterborough are endless.
We also want to highlight closures of Sure Start and community centres. And Peterborough City Hospital is one of the most indebted in the UK, thanks to PFI. We are looking to stay as long as possible.
How have the public, police and council reacted?
Most members of the public have supported the occupation. The police have also been cooperating well. The council didn’t have a clue what to do – no action like this has been taken in the city of Peterborough before!
You have invited the Socialist Party to speak at some of your events. We are part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC), which helps anti-cuts campaigners to stand in elections. Would you work with TUSC in future?
Some of the groups involved, such as anti-homelessness activists OpRealLove, would definitely be interested. Personally, I’m in!