Unison local government: ‘Clear fighting strategy’ needed
A Unison member
There is a mood of impending dread among millions of local government workers. The Tories are preparing to swing the axe once more on council budgets, unfortunately with the passive – or active – support of all Labour councils.
Last year’s botched struggle over pay resulted in the hugely successful recall conference. We will still need to fight to win the supplementary pay claim that conference forced on the leadership.
In any case, this illustrates two major factors. The anger of our rank and file at an appalling stitch up. And the abject failure of our leadership to measure up to the huge task now in hand.
Conference must draw up a new battle plan to head off the coming cuts, job losses and privatisation. The vast majority of motions were written before the outcome of the election.
So a clear fighting strategy will need to emerge from debates, and some of the more important fringe meetings at Unison conference.
Clearly we can no longer operate in the same old way. The Socialist Party calls for the urgent convening of union ‘councils of war’ to meet the attacks.
We will renew our calls for more generalised and coordinated strike action, to prepare the way for a 24-hour general strike against austerity.