Unison elections
Rank and file socialist Roger Bannister is to stand for general secretary of public service union Unison. The Socialist urges all Unison branches to nominate him for the position. Roger stands for a nationally coordinated fight by all public sector unions to stop cuts, privatisation and attacks on workers’ pay and union rights. Not a penny more of union members’ money to go to any MP or councillor voting to attack our members’ jobs, wages and services.
Gunstones victory
Stop press – victory for bakery workers at Gunstones in North East Derbyshire ahead of planned 6 August strike by bakers’ union BFAWU. Check #Gunstones on Twitter for latest.
High security
Members of prison staff union POA at Ashworth high-security psychiatric hospital are voting on possible strike action. The union is balloting from 5 to 19 August after bosses sacked two members. More details when available at socialistparty.org.uk.
Return of Phoenix
A second Unite rep was sacked by electrical contractor Phoenix at a central London site on 31 July. Last issue, we reported on a protest in Canary Wharf after Phoenix sacked a newly elected steward for general union Unite. Graham Boxall had requested subcontracted workers move to direct employment, as set out in union agreements. The protest got Graham reinstated – but Phoenix is threatening to sue over the demo! See shopstewards.net for updates on the latest sacking.
Manchester Uni
The University of Manchester is threatening 219 jobs, and wants to privatise services including IT. The joint unions have been sidelined and treated with contempt. Lecturers’ union UCU is mobilising mass meetings for action, and calling on management to withdraw attacks and negotiate meaningfully. Socialist Party members in the campus unions, and members of Socialist Students, support striking to head off attacks.