The pressures of life under capitalism, double standards which still leave women doing the vast majority of childcare and housework, and a lack of confidence are all barriers which women can face to joining the Socialist Party and getting actively involved in meetings and campaigns.
Eleanor Donne
Yet, when working-class women overcome these barriers they are often the most determined fighters for their rights and they definitely belong in our party! One important way to encourage women to get fully involved is through our women’s meetings, which include discussions of particular interest to women. Discussions at our next meeting include:
Maternity crisis:
Women in labour are turned away from maternity units because of a shortage of midwives, yet newly qualified midwives are unemployed because NHS Trusts have frozen recruitment. Now a government report called ‘Making it Better for Mother and Baby’ could result in dozens of maternity units closing. We will be looking at how we build a campaign against the cuts but also at the wider issues, such as the increase in caesarean births, and ask what we really need for pregnant women and healthcare staff.
Conviction rates for rape are so low that it is now considered a ‘low-risk crime’. There have been some changes in the law to try to address this but the legal profession are now saying that it is because juries won’t convict. Have attitudes to this crime changed amongst both women and men? What are the root causes of rape and what should our programme be to reduce risk and get justice for rape victims?
Session on organising our work:
How do we ensure that more women join the Socialist Party and become politically active? Reports on campaigns in different regions/branches.