SINCE BEFORE Christmas, postal bosses in North and Mid Staffordshire have attempted to replace full-time jobs with part-time ones. But after six days of strike action by 700 posties across 11 depots, managers have been forced to back down.
Andy Bentley, Stoke Socialist Party
Despite continuous intimidation by management, posties at the Burslem depot have been at the forefront of this fight to defend jobs, pay and conditions.
In a pathetic attempt to save face, management wrongly accused and suspended 62 year-old Burslem postie, Dave Condliffe, for abusive behaviour. In response, Burslem postal workers walked out for four days unofficial action. Because of management’s continued intransigence, they have now voted in favour of further strike action by 67 votes to 8.
If the victimised postie is not reinstated, strike action will take place on 8-10 March, followed by a further three days on 12-14 March.
This action will be supported by many other workers across the area who also have to put up with daily management intimidation. Victimisation is a familiar tool used by bosses to try to isolate and divide workers. It must be fought by maximum unity among all workers.
Send messages of support to CWU. Midland No 7, Lindsay Street Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 4EP. Fax 01782 272978. Telephone 01782 285833. E-mail [email protected] with a copy to [email protected]