Butterfields campaign getting results

Butterfields housing campaign getting results

It has been reported on the Guardian website today that a housing association is interested in buying the Butterfields Estate in Walthamstow, keeping tenants in their homes. 63 families have been facing eviction since their homes were sold by their previous charity landlord to private developers Butterfields E17 Ltd. This would be a huge victory for the campaign.

Nancy Taaffe, Waltham Forest Socialist Party member, commented:

“If Dolphin wants to buy these properties it is great news. It is a testimony to the campaign to stay. Socialist Party member and trades council secretary Linda Taaffe contacted Dolphin and a Butterfields tenant followed up. Supporters set up a tenants association and a furious letter writing campaign ensued to try and get a housing association to buy them. This successful strategy was reported at the street meeting last week which I was at – a number of different housing associations expressed interest. This is great news – a testimony to the determination of ordinary people to not be pushed about and pushed out.”

Guardian report here – http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/apr/20/lifeline-for-london-families-facing-eviction-after-charity-sold-their-flats?CMP=share_btn_fb

See our previous articles on the campaign:



