Unite members at the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), have voted 57% in favour of taking strike action to start on 19 May.
The dispute has arisen because the agency ignored the union pay claim submitted in June 2015 and refused to negotiate for eight months, choosing instead to design its own pay settlement which it is threatening to impose.
The pay settlement breaches the provisions in some staff contracts and the union recognition agreements, as does the refusal to negotiate or to seek conciliation through Acas.
Unite Housing Workers branch has said: “Our members are fighting against an intransigent management who want to freeze out the unions and disregard the provisions of our contracts and recognition agreement – but we will fight on until they agree to change their approach. A show of strength from other Unite members and other trade unions would be a huge boost to our members. Please also join us on our picket lines.
These will be held between 8am and11am in London at the Home Office building, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF and in Manchester at the City Tower, Piccadilly Plaza, Manchester M1 4BT.”
- At least two more days of action are proposed on 15 and 16 June so Unite housing workers are also appealing for donations to their strike fund:
- By cheque made out to “Unite Housing Workers Branch LE1111”, sent to PO Box 66701, London E11 9FB
- By BACS to account name Unite Housing Workers LE/1111 Branch, account number 20040626, Sort Code 608301