Letter to organisers of 16th July demonstration
The People’s Assembly and Stand Up to Racism have called a “No more austerity – No to racism – Tories must go” demonstration in London on Saturday 16th July.
The Socialist Party has sent the following letter to the organisers.
To the organisers of the People’s Assembly and Stand Up to Racism demo on 16 July
Re: Call to adopt central slogan of ‘Keep Corbyn’ for 16 July demo.
The Socialist Party welcomes the call for a demo in opposition to austerity and racism and to get the Tories out. Without doubt there is enormous potential for these slogans to mobilise a large demonstration.
However, given the political fallout of the referendum, we believe the most important task of this demo is to give a clear backing to Jeremy Corbyn. We therefore call on you to change the main slogan to ‘Keep Corbyn’.
Across the country protests are springing up and working class and young people are looking for ways to support Jeremy Corbyn against the vicious Blairite coup and its backers in the Tory party and the 1%.
Now that war has been declared by the Parliamentary Labour Party, the worst possible response would be to capitulate. It is much to Jeremy Corbyn’s credit that he has so far stood firm. Now the labour movement, together with all those who are opposed to austerity, needs to mobilise to support Jeremy against the Blairite onslaught. A demo under this slogan could play a role in undermining the Blairites.
And, after all, a Jeremy Corbyn-led government that fought a general election with a clear anti-austerity, anti-racist programme – opposition to all cuts, £10 an hour minimum wage, mass council housing building and renationalisation – would be a significant step in the fight against racism and austerity.
A major demonstration could help to prepare the way but needs to be combined with serious organisation of the anti-austerity forces. The Socialist Party is therefore also calling on left trade union leaders to initiate an urgent labour movement conference, to be convened now, involving all those who support Corbyn: the trade unions, Labour Party branches and including all left and socialist organisations inside and outside the Labour Party.
We hope that you agree on the demo slogan and that it can be acted on quickly. We are happy to discuss and assist with this.
Sarah Sachs-Eldridge, for the Socialist Party
PO Box 24697, London E11 1YD | T: 020 8988 8771 | E: [email protected]