A Walthamstow Labour Party member
Jeremy Corbyn has won resounding backing from rank-and-file members in the Blairite-led Walthamstow Labour Party in east London.
309 people attended the recent nominating meeting to discuss which leadership candidate would win the endorsement of the Constituency Labour Party (CLP). Walthamstow had one of the biggest turnouts across the country, and unsurprisingly, Corbyn was what attracted these numbers. 205 votes were cast in his favour, and the remaining 104 went to Owen Smith.
The Blairite leadership of Walthamstow CLP made every attempt to prevent this result. They were very clear at the start of the meeting that they would be following the ruling National Executive Committee’s undemocratic rules for nomination meetings. Only 30 minutes were allowed for discussion – five speakers for each candidate, speaking for three minutes each. Despite being the most important part of the meeting, the debate was the shortest section, and the only one kept to time!
These measures indicate the desperation of the right wing in Labour. They are completely unable to compete with the popularity of Corbyn’s anti-austerity ideas, as was reflected throughout the meeting. Overwhelmingly, the speakers in favour of Corbyn were young, women, black or Asian, and all received sound applause from the rest of the meeting. One young woman who criticised the Blairites for their continuing role as warmongers in the Middle East received a standing ovation.