- No to racism, sexism and attacks on workers’ rights
For international solidarity to…
Resist Trump
- And fight the right – build a mass alternative for the 99%
- 20 and 21 January: Global days of protest to #ResistTrump
Socialist Alternative (co-thinkers of the Socialist Party in the US) and Socialist Students US
The election of Donald Trump as president of the United States represents an unprecedented danger to workers, young people, and the oppressed, not only in the US but around the world. A ruthless billionaire businessman himself, Trump promises to carry out racist and sexist social policies. He is preparing to escalate attacks on the environment, unions, and workers’ rights, as well as vital social services like public education.
His erratic and nationalist ‘America First’ foreign policy will further destabilise global politics, and risks provoking more bloody catastrophes.
On 20 (the day of Trump’s inauguration) and 21 January, we are joining with others to call for millions across the United States and worldwide to come out in mass demonstrations and student strikes to begin building a powerful grassroots resistance.
The protests on inauguration day could be the biggest demonstrations against the inauguration of a US president in history, and the student strikes could be the biggest since the Vietnam War.
While the biggest fightback will come from workers, women, immigrants, and young people in the US, Trump’s election provided fresh confidence to far-right demagogues everywhere. His attacks on Muslims and refugees from war-torn areas like Syria will encourage similar persecution around the world.
And Trump’s promise of further deregulation and attacks on workers is part of an international campaign of the ruling class for further austerity. But if mass protests can inflict a defeat on Trump in the US, it will inspire workers around the globe to fight back.
Socialist Students (US), Socialist Students (UK), Sindicato de Estudiantes (Spain), and Sindicato de Estudiantes (Mexico) are joining together to call for global days of action on 20 and 21 January to #ResistTrump.
Join a protest near you
Here in Britain, Socialist Students will be standing in solidarity with all those who are fighting to ‘build a wall’ against Trump and his racist, sexist, pro-1% policies. Email [email protected] if your area isn’t listed or if you would like to organise a protest yourself.
6pm, US embassy, 24 Grosvenor Square, W1A 2LQ
1pm, Goldsmiths University, ‘Build a wall against Trump’, outside the library
4.30pm, City and Islington College, rally and meet up point before embassy demo
East Midlands
12.30pm, West Notts College, Derby Road, Mansfield
6pm, Leicester City Centre, meet at the clock tower
4pm, Cardiff, Cardiff University, meet on Park Place
West Midlands
5pm, Coventry, meet on Broadgate, CV1 1FS
12.30pm, University of Warwick, meet at The Koan
5pm, Leeds protest, Dortmund Square
7.30pm-9pm, Leeds public meeting: How can Trump be defeated? O’Neill’s, 26 Great George Street, LS1 3DL
5pm, Sheffield city centre protest
6pm, Sheffield Dump Trump gig, West Street Ale House, 52-54 West Street, S1 4EP
4.30pm, Huddersfield, Market Place