PCS: Defend Union Democracy
IN THE High Court on 31 May, a judge ruled that the election of Mark Serwotka as general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) was legal and that the union executive’s actions to remove him were illegal.
Mark Serwotka and newly-elected union president Janice Godrich were forced into the courts after the union’s right-wing attempted to overturn the union conference’s decision and an overwhelming election result.
The right are attempting to re-instate Barry Reamsbottom as general secretary, in spite of his not even standing in the general secretary election and entering into an agreement with the union to leave on 31 May.
The judge ruled that both Mark Serwotka and Barry Reamsbottom remain in post until a full hearing on 15 July.
But the campaign for union democracy isn’t just in the courts, it will continue throughout the union, where many branches have passed resolutions demanding a recall conference. Socialist Party leaflets are available from PO Box 24697, London E11 1YD, or ring: 020 8988 8764.
The left-wing Left Unity group are holding a rally on Wednesday 19 June at 7.30pm at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London NW1.
For more information see: www.pcsleftunity.uk7.net