The Socialist Party has been on the front line of the campaign to create an anti-austerity mass party, photo Socialist Party

The Socialist Party has been on the front line of the campaign to create an anti-austerity mass party, photo Socialist Party   (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)


I joined the Labour Party as a school leaver in 1981 but by the mid-80s I left, completely disillusioned, and became politically inactive. Then, during the 2016 Labour leadership election, I felt enthused by Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-austerity policies and the possibility that at last the Labour Party had a chance of defeating the Tories and their vicious cuts.

I wanted to play my part in this and I re-joined the Labour Party and voted for Jeremy Corbyn in the leadership election. As a parent of disabled children I have seen first-hand the effect of Tory welfare reforms.

As a college lecturer, I have witnessed severe cuts to adult education funding and the devastating effect on my students’ lives of benefit cuts, sanctions, zero-hour contracts, insecure employment and the bedroom tax.

When Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the Labour Party his policies filled me with hope again. However, I am disappointed that Labour councillors continue to vote through cuts to services and that democratisation of the Labour Party, including mandatory reselection of MPs, seems to have stalled.

Completely complementary

If the Labour Party leadership fails to build a mass anti-austerity socialist party, including uniting with other anti-austerity groups and activists, and instead makes compromises with the centre and right of the party, then those anti-austerity policies will be undermined. Too many people are suffering under the Tories to allow this to happen.

I am a Labour Party member and I recently decided to join the Socialist Party. The Socialist Party campaigned for Jeremy Corbyn in the leadership elections and supported his socialist anti-austerity pledges.

We would vigorously defend and support Corbyn in transforming the Labour Party into a party that opposes austerity and that represents the interests of ordinary people.

I support the Socialist Party’s call for Labour councillors to implement ‘no-cuts’ budgets to defend jobs and services. I see membership of both the Labour Party and the Socialist Party as completely complementary, I support the campaign to readmit expelled socialists, and I would hope to be allowed to continue my membership of both.