ON FRIDAY 15 March thousands of students worldwide will join the International Socialist Resistance (ISR) day of action against education cutbacks.
Clare James
At a European Union (EU) meeting on 15 March, government ministers will discuss education. Undoubtedly they’ll continue their policy of massively underfunding every level of education across Europe.
ISR has called this day of action to show young people won’t sit back and watch as big business make huge profits by privatising and commercialising the education system. Education should be a right for all, not just the privilege of a rich few.
On 15 March, young people internationally will demonstrate for this right in their areas.
lIn Brazil, the MSE (Movemento do Sem-Eduacao – Movement of those without education), the ISR’s Brazilian affiliate reported that a meeting of the “National Forum of Struggle” (NFS) had voted to support the day of action.
The NFS includes the MST (landless farmers), CUT (Trade Union Congress), PT (Workers Party), Communist Party of Brazil, student unions and others. There will be pickets and occupations, which will be followed by a demo in Sao Paulo.
There will be action organised in five states of Nigeria.
The ISR are planning demonstrations and rallies in many towns and cities of Sweden.
Members in Israel are planning a demonstration outside the ministry of education against plans to privatise their education.
In Northern Ireland, Socialist Youth (ISR affiliate in northern and southern Ireland), have played a leading role in setting up SSUAS (School Students United Against Sectarianism).
SSUAS demands: Kick sectarianism out of schools; the right to free access to education for all, free from sectarian attacks and intimidation; unite school students to fight for more resources in schools. They’re building for a picket of the EU offices on 15 March.
Action is also planned in Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, Greece and the CIS and in Britain (see more reports).
15 March looks like being a huge success internationally and The Socialist will report on the protests in all the areas and countries involved.
There’s a lot of work to be done in the run-up to 15 March, if you want to help build action in your area please get in touch with ISR.