THE RAIL union RMT’s AGM (conference) in Edin-burgh revealed rail work-ers’ discontent with Net-work Rail, the train operat-ing companies, London Under-ground and especially the Blair and Brown government.
Dave Reid
Network Rail workers in Cumbria and Scottish signal workers have won strike ballots with significant majorities. The first one-day strikes are due on 6 July.
RMT general secretary Bob Crow called for a national ballot of RMT members in Network Rail if the bosses do not climb down over withdrawing bonuses from workers in Cumbria and Scotland.
Bob Crow also pledged to co-ordi-nate strike action with the postal workers. He called on every RMT branch to ‘adopt’ a Communication Workers’ Union branch.
Not one delegate expressed any hope that Gordon Brown would improve conditions on the railways. Delegates poured scorn equally on Brown and Blair but unfortunately the agenda lacked any resolution proposing a political alternative for rail workers to organise around.
Some delegates welcomed the RMT-sponsored NSSN conference on 7 July (see above), but branches also need a lead from the leadership and the movement putting forward, a credible political party to support. Rail union backs postal strikers