THE CNWP’S newly elected officers met recently to discuss the way forward for the campaign. There was an air of enthusiasm and willingness to drive forward after the successful CNWP conference in May and some national press coverage.
The officers agreed that Gordon Brown’s ‘coronation’ as PM would by no means represent a ‘shift to the left’ in New Labour. Continued attacks on working people by a Brown premiership would result in more workers concluding that a new mass party of the working class is necessary and joining the campaign.
A CNWP pamphlet on the question of public ownership was agreed, to be written by campaign chair and Socialist Party councillor Dave Nellist, and launched on the national NHS demonstration this October.
The CNWP speaking tour agreed at the campaign’s conference was also discussed. If you want to hold a CNWP public meeting in your area contact the campaign at [email protected] or 020 8558 7947; we can provide campaign material and national speakers.
The question of trade union affiliation to Labour was discussed and a tactics document, outlining the unions’ different rules and regulations on political funds is to be drawn up.
The CNWP is holding a drive on signatories to the campaign and is very close to having 3,000 signatories. If you haven’t signed the declaration for a new workers’ party yet, go to and sign online today!
Greg Maughan
CNWP meeting:
Why we need a new workers’ party
Saturday 7 July 5:00pm – 6:00pm
South Camden Community School Library (opposite main Shop Stewards Network conference hall)