Adam Lines, Exeter Socialist Party
As far back as I can remember I have struggled to come to terms with the staggering and blatant inequality in the world. Why should one person have more money than they could ever possibly spend while another person starves?
In school I was often uninterested, unhappy and at times unteachable. Due to my dyslexia I experienced first-hand the harsh realities of inequality and discrimination.
As time progressed I became more aware of the failings of capitalism. I worked long hours in an extremely challenging job only to be faced with pay freezes, a lack of recognition and a lack of humanity when I needed it most. As I’m sure is the case with many others, I started to question whether there was a better way.
I have simply had enough of the current system. A capitalist society works only for those who have the ability to acquire capital or are fortunate enough to have it handed to them.
We have all watched as the rich are bailed out or manage to escape the requisite punishment for their crimes along with many other injustices that are often seen as the norm in a capitalist society. More and more people are pushed to their absolute limits by this parasitic belief system that pits human against human in a race to the bottom.
We need to try and create a society that realises that the current way of life is not sustainable, for the planet or indeed the human spirit. We need a more community based system in which people can use their skills to better themselves and society as a whole.
Most importantly we need to realise that capitalism is failing and that the pitfalls of this unbalanced way of life are becoming apparent. It is socialism that can and will provide a better world for all.