Building fund appeal: Behind the scenes at the Socialist Party office
Tessa Warrington, Building fund organiser
The Socialist Party is being evicted from our national headquarters in London. The depth of the housing crisis has seen 60% of commercial property wiped from the market as office space is transformed into luxury flats. However, we are determined not to be chased out by gentrification. We have launched an appeal asking members and supporters to donate a week’s income, or whatever is affordable, to help us find new premises.
Why do we need a national centre? Let me take you on a tour of some of our office. As you enter, the London team are stapling placards preparing to support an anti-academies protest in Newham. The placards read: ‘Say no to academies, give us a vote’ advancing the idea of democratic accountability to the staff and community.
Around the corner is the bookshop. The numerous titles discuss socialist ideas on a whole range of issues from the environment to the history of the international labour movement. Access to these enables our members to develop their understanding, something we have taken a huge step forward with this year by launching our publishing house Socialist Books.
In the editors’ office they are deep in discussion. For every issue of the Socialist they need at least four meetings to discuss what’s going in the paper, what articles and reports are needed. They frequently consult each other and other departments on material during production, discussing political developments as they happen.
The organisation department are designing leaflets and posters as well as coordinating preparations for our national congress while the youth department organise student support for the ongoing lecturers’ strike. Recently Tamil Solidarity members used the office to build a demo of 2,000 in just two days.
None of this would be possible without a place where we can discuss, organise and coordinate. The Socialist Party fights for working class people, for affordable rents for all and a society free from want and oppression. Help us keep it that way. Please donate to the building fund.
- Make a donation online now – put “building fund” in the comments
- Or you can pay with a card over the phone on 020 8988 8777
- Or with a cheque or postal order payable to “Socialist Party,” sent to Building Fund, PO Box 24697, London E11 1YD