Marion Lloyd, PCS national executive committee member and PCS Left Unity chair (personal capacity)
At its conference in Brighton on 22 May the PCS civil servants’ union voted decisively for a statutory strike ballot against the Tories 1% pay cap. The ballot date is not fixed but is expected to start in June.
The ballot will be in support of the 2018 pay claim of 5% or £1,200 a year and the restoration of centralised collective bargaining. The conference reflected the seriousness of the decision to address the huge challenge ahead for the union despite the legal barriers of the Tory anti-union legislation.
The underlying mood is one of optimism. After a decade of pay freezes and pay caps there is a determination to do something about pay this year. A Yes vote is achievable.
Socialist Party Scotland member Dave Semple said: “We need a sober discussion on how to mobilise our members to fight back. But the key question is are we ready for this fight? The answer is yes, absolutely yes.”