Reading the Socialist every week gives you a real dose of optimism. Despite the attacks on workers in this country and across the world, the Socialist offers hope and shows that where we organise, we can win.
Jane Nellist, national executive, National Education Union NUT section (personal capacity)
The Socialist regularly reports on the issues facing retail workers – but unlike other papers, it says what needs to happen to win the fightback. I would like to thank the Socialist for supporting my successful campaign to become president of Usdaw, and look forward to the paper continuing to report on the issues facing our members.
Amy Murphy, president, Usdaw retail workers’ union (personal capacity)
During our 19 days of strike action, the Socialist paper reported, explained, ran interviews with strikers, and consistently supported and sustained the picket lines and public meetings. The paper was invaluable in developing the increasingly socialist conclusions being drawn by those involved in struggle against the privatisation of education.
Louise Cuffaro, school teacher and secretary, National Education Union, Newham branch (personal capacity)
Happy 1000th issue to the Socialist. Always pleased to be associated with those fighting, as we do in the RMT, for a “socialist order of society”
Sean Hoyle, president, RMT union
The Socialist paper featured our fight endlessly throughout our 90 days of strike action in 2014 and spread our defiance to a larger audience. And it is safe to say the input, advice and solidarity shown was and will remain an integral part of finding ‘kindred spirits’ who will remain lifelong friends.
What it instilled in me is a sense that we can achieve anything if we stand up in the face of the despicable Tory austerity agenda. Congratulations on your 1000th edition. Long may you continue!
Roger Hutt, chair, Doncaster Care UK strike committee
In a world of ‘alternative facts’, reading the Socialist helps make sense of the world around us and gives confidence that a socialist alternative really is possible. The paper always places the struggle of working people in its historical and international context. Its analysis is a guide to action and essential reading for all workers.
The Socialist shatters the myth that there is no alternative to the power of a tiny capitalist elite. The case for socialism is as powerful as ever, and for anyone looking for an alternative to capitalist crisis and accelerating climate change l strongly recommend reading the Socialist.
Chris Baugh, assistant general secretary, PCS union (personal capacity)
If you have to take strike action for 87 days then know this: help is out there. Our friends from the Socialist Party and Socialist newspaper stood shoulder to shoulder with us throughout six months. Never failing to offer support on protests, demos, leafleting, online and in print to raise awareness of our cause. Helping to bolster our fighting fund that guaranteed the solidarity that won the day in this battle. #Together #Solidarity
Colin Pitt, Unite union rep, Mears housing maintenance workers, Manchester
I really look forward to reading a copy of the Socialist as I can be sure to be reading the truth and not the tripe you get from the daily rags – and that is if you are told of the problems in the first place. The amount of news that is missed completely astounds me. I also appreciate the world news concerning the struggles of workers everywhere. Long may the Socialist go on providing.
Barbara Cotton, secretary, Middleton Park Labour Party, Leeds Central CLP
The Socialist is an invaluable resource for all trade unionists and socialists. It provides not only the broad perspective across the country but internationally as well. While I may not agree with every position in the paper, I really value the debate and the scrutiny it provides, and I really look forward to each edition. I will always read it.
Andy Stankard, chair, Hull City Unison union branch (personal capacity)
The Socialist is my lifeline. It is the only paper to cut through the lies of the Tories and Blairites, and the cynicism of the right-wing trade union leaders. I read it cover to cover every week and it gives me the strength to keep on fighting for a decent society.
Chas Berry, national executive, Napo union (personal capacity)
The Socialist plays a crucial role in providing a platform for socialists and militants in the unions to put forward their analysis of the situation in the labour movement. At a time when workers are facing enormous challenges, and the tops of the unions are failing to lead, the Socialist provides crucial analysis of our collective struggles. All serious trade unionists should subscribe!
Sam Morecoft, anti-casualisation officer, Sheffield University and College Union
The reasons we like the Socialist are: it’s a proper newspaper that cuts to the chase and is an easy read for all age groups. It is a no-frills paper that doesn’t have the same bias as the mainstream media. It is written by ordinary people, and the news reported we can relate to, and some of it is local. The articles often spark discussions between us.
Dee Millhouse, physiotherapist, and Alison Beaumont, nurse, Chatsworth ward, Mansfield Community Hospital
The Socialist is essential for keeping up with the current events of our movement, as well as encouraging active discussion on these issues whilst campaigning!
Joshua Swann, sixth-form student and Labour Party member, Harrogate
I remember reading Militant (forerunner of the Socialist) in the ’80s. I’d read other left-wing papers, but the Militant was different. They weren’t just talking about history, they were making it! Other papers told me what was happening – Militant was telling me how I could get involved and make a difference. Dave Nellist, Tony Mulhearn and others: ordinary working class people changing history. I learned from the paper – fight to change things.
Mark Robertson, striker and Unite union rep, Tyneside Safety Glass
When Birmingham City Council took it upon themselves to try and lower the pay of our ‘grade three’ bin workers, it was nice to know that we weren’t entirely alone. The Socialist Party and Socialist paper took it upon themselves to help support us, playing an integral role in keeping up morale, canvassing the local area, and generally being supportive throughout the ups and downs. It is from the time offered by party members that I was able to better understand the party and rightly decide that it is the party for me. Thank you, comrades.
Ken Savage, Birmingham bin striker
Thanks to the Socialist paper, the underhanded, colluding, job-robbing tactics of Scumbarts [union-busting haulier Stobart] and Tesco were exposed during the strike of 2012. They breeched ‘Tupe’ law and went on to be serial abusers of the regulations under the noses of the government and unions.
Trevor Cheetham, secretary, Doncaster Tesco drivers Unite union branch
The Socialist is the only paper telling the truth about what’s happening to the NHS. By giving a voice to health workers and reporting on successful campaigns against NHS cuts, this paper inspires and empowers us.
Beth Webster, nurse
The Socialist played a major role when we found ourselves taking part in 90 days’ strike action when our NHS service was privatised. Not only did they report on it, but actively engaged in campaigning, promoting, raising funds for us, and accompanied us on our travels up and down the country as we fought attacks on our terms and conditions and to save our NHS. They were good friends of the 90-days Care UK strikers, and I’m so thankful and appreciative for all they did and continue to do to help others in similar situations.
Theresa Rollinson, Care UK striker
Congratulations to the Socialist – its reporting and analysis of events in Britain and internationally has provided activists in the labour movement with an unparalleled source of information and guidance.
Keith Morrell, anti-cuts councillor, Southampton
During the strike in 2015 we were struggling. The Socialist Party visited our picket line and consequently raised the profile of the dispute via the paper. The resulting amazing support we got gave us the strength to overcome everything that was being thrown at us and ultimately secure a successful outcome to the dispute.
Mick Joyce, senior Unite union rep, Kone lift engineers
The Socialist newspaper continues to play an indispensable role at Whipps Cross Hospital. The guidance, commentary and analysis around the numerous campaigns and strikes – not to mention the vital role of raising solidarity including money for striking low-paid workers at Whipps – have earned the paper a solid reputation among militant, class-conscious workers.
Len Hockey, secretary, Unite union Barts Health branch
I find the Socialist very informative. It is a refreshing change to read a paper that reports the workers’ struggles from a worker’s point of view.
Kev Dudding, Hull GMB union activist
Warm greetings to the Socialist’s readership. The Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign would like to thank you all for your continued support. You have spread news of our campaign far and wide. It’s always great to see your activists on our actions. No justice, no peace!
Joe Rollin, founding member, Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign
Many thanks to the Socialist for the supportive coverage of the Sheffield trees dispute. Unlike many other sections of the left, the Socialist recognised that the fight to save Sheffield’s street trees is part of the overall struggle against privatisation and austerity. Solidarity.
Mark James, secretary, Unite Community South Yorkshire union branch
The 1000th edition of the Socialist (formerly Militant) marks a huge step forward in the development of a paper which has consistently provided workers with a rich source of analysis of political, economic and industrial phenomena. In addition, it provides a guide to action informed by a Marxist understanding of the nature of the class struggle. This was clearly demonstrated during the 1980s campaign of Liverpool’s socialist city council, in which supporters of the Militant newspaper played a decisive role in securing a famous victory over the Thatcher government, and carried out the most radical programme of social change in the history of local government.
Tony Mulhearn, socialist Liverpool councillor 1983-87
In the Arab Spring the capitalists shut down social media to stop workers and young people organising. Well in 1990 we had no internet, Facebook or social media, but we had the weekly Militant (forerunner of the Socialist). That paper and its up-to-date advice and analysis played the critical role in building and maintaining mass non-payment of Thatcher’s poll tax – a battle that millions joined and won.
Steve Nally, secretary, All-Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation
The working class struggle needs every ounce of energy and every person who identifies with it to pull in one direction. That united effort is what brings us all together, no matter the cause, no matter the union or the party. The support we received from the Socialist Party and your press was priceless in our struggle in the Veolia recycling disputes in Sheffield. United we stand, divided we will always fall.
Peter Davies, senior officer, GMB union Yorkshire
Campaigners against tree felling in Sheffield have appreciated the Socialist’s coverage of our fight. It has been an antidote to the mainstream media by reporting from the side of our campaign, not the council and big business.
Calvin Payne, Sheffield trees campaigner
The Socialist helped campaign against my sacking in 2005 and publicised our great little victory. The paper always covers London bus workers’ actions against brutal bosses. Let’s turn more fighting trade unionists into conscious revolutionaries!
Andy Beadle, retired bus driver and Unite union rep
The Socialist distils the news that affects working people and its clear analysis always points the way forward. A political compass in turbulent times – here’s to the next 1,000 issues!
Dave Nellist, former Labour MP and chair, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
I always read the Socialist for analysis and information that you simply don’t find anywhere else. But it is also very useful as a trade unionist for publicising disputes and getting support and ideas about how to win.
Paul Kershaw, chair, Unite housing workers’ union branch LE/1111
I always read the Socialist to see the various strikes and campaigns going on around the country. The capitalist media is silent about many struggles, like the McDonald’s young workers’ strikes, to give the impression we are not fighting back against austerity. I sell papers to my Unison members to show that we are not alone in the struggle and so that we can give solidarity. Also I show international articles, as well as political arguments like the case against the EU, to give an alternative point of view to the right-wing Unison leadership.
April Ashley, national executive, Unison union (personal capacity)
I’m sometimes asked: why produce a paper when everything is also available online? It’s simple. People still need to see us on the street, and we need something for them to take away and think about.
Jim Atkinson, Swansea Socialist Party
The Socialist has been indispensable in the Hands Off Huddersfield Royal Infirmary campaign. It is the only paper which has consistently publicised and promoted our successful campaign, despite the wide media coverage we get. Thanks to the whole editorial team for their great support.
Mike Forster, chair, Hands Off HRI (personal capacity)
Not all of us who sell the Socialist are the outgoing type. Some days the last thing we want to do is talk to the public. But that has to be overcome by determination to spread socialist ideas!
Just last week I was preparing myself to campaign against the Trump visit by leafleting a college, feeling apprehensive about campaigning on new territory. Re-visiting the article ‘Stop war, fight Trump, walk out’ from issue 997 was the shot in the arm I needed, and that wasn’t the first time!
Josh Asker, Southampton Socialist Party
The campaign against the closure of our community hospitals here in Devon has been long and bitter. Socialist Party members have played their part. The Socialist is our public face – we use it to explain the issues on stalls, marches and demonstrations. It links us to other struggles against cuts and privatisation in the NHS. It helps us educate, agitate and organise, using its contents to show that there are victories to be had against this Tory government. Without the Socialist to explain the overall picture of this anti-worker government, there would be nothing to distinguish socialists from the right-wing media.
Sean Brogan, Exeter Socialist Party
The Socialist always gives me info on struggles taking place, while the establishment media ignores and distorts the truth. If you want the truth, and want to change the world – read the Socialist!
Judy Griffiths, secretary, Coventry Communication Workers Union (personal capacity)
As a community activist I really welcome each new issue of the Socialist, for its inspiring news reports from campaign frontlines across England and Wales – stories of tenants fighting the privatisation of social housing have been especially inspiring, and the coverage of Grenfell has been the best in any paper.
I actually look first to the international reports, to follow the struggle of working people, especially those of women and youth, around the world. Where else can I go to find the truth behind the lies of the capitalist press and the bias of the BBC?
Kate Jones, chair, Unite Community Swansea union branch (personal capacity)
I read the Socialist as it covers a wide range of topics and current events and provides views covering news, arts, books and open opinions – and fights for the working class.
Sue, hostess, Chatsworth ward, Mansfield Community Hospital
Essential reading for every comrade, find out what’s happening and where you can support.
Michelle Goodman, Torbay and South Devon Socialist Party
I find the Socialist newspaper very interesting. Finding out what people are about and what hard work goes into events. It covers a wide range of subjects and varied opinions.
Karen, hostess, Chatsworth ward, Mansfield Community Hospital
The Socialist is an unrivalled source of news and analysis for activists struggling for a better world. Its international coverage is second to none. Forward to a daily Socialist!