Ian Pattison, Socialist Party national subs organiser
We’re asking members to increase their subs to the Socialist Party. We need the resources to enable us to reach as wide an audience as possible in the developing political crisis. The Tories are at the heart of this crisis and there could be a general election at any time.
Unlike the Tories, we have no rich backers. But our members make such tremendous sacrifices, so much so that the Socialist Party’s membership subs are around two-thirds of those of the oldest capitalist party in the world!
Compare the clarity in the Socialist on the key issues facing working-class people to the fog generated by the capitalist politicians over Brexit. We have a clear programme that shows how to fight the cuts and end austerity.
The Tories, who represent big business and the super-rich, got £13 million in donations from just 64 wealthy individuals in 2017. We can’t match that. But our members and supporters raised almost £290,000 in 2018 for the Fighting Fund and Building Fund, in addition to the regular subs, to help us in our search for a new national headquarters.
Our members have been hit hard by Tory austerity but understand the vital part that their support plays in our fight for socialism. One member who is a rail worker has already agreed to increase their subs by over £100 a month. Another member who is unemployed has quadrupled the amount they give to the party.
Of course, the fight for socialism is necessarily international, and a portion of every member’s subs also goes to support the pioneering work of our socialist international – the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) – organising in over 45 countries.
You don’t have to be a member of the Socialist Party to take part in this campaign to boost our finances. You can make a regular donation at socialistparty.org.uk/donate.
Every extra pound goes towards the fight for the socialist transformation of society – to harness the world’s wealth to meet the needs of the 99% and solve the big problems facing humanity, such as global warming.