Fighting council cuts


Greenwich Unison is preparing a new year campaign to fight cuts being proposed by the council. In addition, the union will be campaigning against cuts in the local health service.

The union is calling for the council to reverse its decision to cut jobs and services and to use its “scrutiny” powers to defend the local health service and call for an end to all cuts.

The union will be lobbying the council meetings from 6pm at the Town Hall on 30 January, 27 February, and 26 March and is calling a public meeting on 6 February at 7pm in the council chamber, Town Hall, Wellington Street, Woolwich, SE18.


Birmingham city council workers have won some concessions over pay cuts arising from the single status pay agreement.

The council have made an offer to refuse collectors because of the political fallout from rubbish piling up in the streets.

But they haven’t offered enough to wipe out pay cuts and have offered nothing to any other group of council workers.

This feeble offer has been rightly rejected by the refuse collectors as well as the union generally and a ballot for industrial action is under way, with action likely to start on 5 February.

There will be a rally outside the Council House at lunchtime on Saturday 12 January.