Socialist Party member Jim Cessford is standing for assistant branch secretary of Manchester Unison local government branch. Jim is senior steward at Manchester Advice, with a proven record of defending members.
So-called “Service Improvement Programmes” and the freeze in central funding for councils will mean more cuts to services and jobs.
The national pay claim for 6%/£6.75 will need to be backed by action, prepared for at a local level. Jim told the socialist: “I am standing because I want to see Unison become a strong, democratically run union that stops funding Labour to attack workers, and instead helps to build a new mass workers’ party.”
Standing last year for the same position, Jim received a good vote, reflecting members’ desire for a new and more effective branch leadership.
Manchester Unity Stewards (MUST) meeting, for all Unison members and activists who want to see a campaigning democratic union: Wednesday 23 January, 6pm, Room 5 at the Friends Meeting House on Mount Street, central Manchester. More info ring 07793 738 389 or email [email protected]