Unison members in Hackney are committed to fighting the current witch hunt against myself and the officers of three other Unison branches. The branch committee was disgusted that the union leadership at national conference had slandered Hackney Unison as being racist and agreed to fight this attack. (See last week’s The Socialist.)
Brian Debus, branch chair, Hackney Unison, personal capacity
On 29 February, meetings of library workers and gardeners heard a detailed explanation of the background to current events in an appalled silence. Unanimous support was pledged at both meetings.
It was reported that the same motions which had been ruled out of order at the conference last year, on the election of officials and speeding up the strike ballot process, were being resubmitted. Members indicated a willingness to attend this year’s conference to seek the reinstatement of the motions onto the agenda if they were ruled out of order.
The letter I received from the national union stated I had a prima facie case to answer but now they will find they have a prima facie case of victimisation to answer from the membership.