GORDON BROWN has appointed Jennifer Moses, a former director of Goldman Sachs, to the No 10 Policy Unit. Moses seems ideal for advising Brown on finance.
Moses and her husband Ron Beller were robbed of £1 million by a secretary at Goldman Sachs, who embezzled the money over 14 months from the couple’s private bank account and spent it on luxury cars, property abroad, and diamonds. The couple, who live in a Georgian mansion in Hampstead, were so rich they never even noticed it was happening!
Ron Beller, also a Goldman Sachs banker, admitted at the ensuing trial that he spent £86,000 on personal travel and £17,000 on wine in a year. Moses will not be receiving a salary even though her husband built up a hedge fund that collapsed in February, losing half of his $80 million fortune.
Unreliable rumours have it that spendthrift Moses will be giving out her ten commandments on such issues as Northern Rock, PFI contracts, the Iraq war and non-taxation of the rich – where Brown needs advice on overcoming his natural prudence.