Waltham Forest
March for pay justice
THE CHANT “Equal pay – Fair pay!” rang out along the streets of Waltham Forest as more than 200 people marched, led by 50 bin workers, on a demo called by Waltham Forest Unison and Unite. One of the march’s main organisers, Socialist Party member Nancy Taaffe, Unison’s campaigns officer, compered the speeches at both ends.
Paula Mitchell
The march was against ‘Single Status’. After years of failing to pay women equally, Waltham Forest council claims to be implementing equal pay – but instead they steal from some groups of workers to pay others. Bin workers in particular will be severely hit.
The demo also drew together workers with community campaigners, including from campaigns to re-open St James St library, to defend William Morris Gallery and from the newly-formed ‘Residents Against Pollution’.
Last year a fantastic battle by trade unionists, parents, and socialists forced the council to back down over their plans to sell off school meals. Many dinner ladies attended this demo to demonstrate their solidarity and show that a victory is possible.
Socialist Party member Onay Kasab, Greenwich Unison branch secretary, brought the news of their historic victory on single status. The council tried to inflict pay cuts and a longer working week – a concerted campaign won pay increases and a shorter working week! The workers on the march are determined to fight single status in Waltham Forest and defeat it!