I THOUGHT I would tell you all about my experience working for an independent trader as a Saturday girl. My name is Katie. I’m 17 years old and studying for my A levels. I don’t receive Education Maintenance Allowance so I needed a Saturday job.
Katie, Gloucestershire
I was expected to work 9am to 6pm with one half hour break for lunch and I had to ask for comfort breaks. I was not taken through health and safety rules, I received no contract and my right to work wasn’t questioned. I was told I would get a contract but six months on, it wasn’t forthcoming.
Pay was a nightmare. I was paid by cheque and more often than not my pay was wrong. My boss refused to pay me because he claimed he overpaid me one week and I owed him money. When I showed him pay slips proving I didn’t owe him money and I asked to be paid, he kept dodging the question. When I asked for a direct answer he shouted at me and told me to stop harassing him.
The day I collected my cheque for the outstanding monies, I received a call from one of the full time staff stating that the boss “doesn’t want to give you a job”, (through a voicemail) and that was it – I was fired.
I had to box clever as I needed a Saturday job and his reference was essential. I now have an offer of employment so I will revisit this matter, once I know my new employment is secure. This man is a bully. He ignores legislation designed to protect workers and completely ignores workers’ rights.