At the Child Support Agency site in Hastings, managers have given staff member Frank Swaine (aka Swayne) permission to stand for the BNP in the local elections. This is the same office where the chair of the PCS union branch, Eddie Fleming has been sacked for his union activities, on charges his colleagues in the union describe as “utterly trumped up”.
A CSA worker
Managers have ignored formal complaints from the union that neo-Nazi candidate Frank Swaine should be asked to disassociate himself from a long list of the BNP’s most objectionable policies and public statements in order to avoid bringing the department into disrepute – despite a code of conduct giving staff a duty to promote diversity and equality in their communities!
The PCS branch is intensely concerned that members of the many groups the BNP detest will be unable to feel themselves safe from discrimination, whether as customers or colleagues. The declared policies of the BNP on child custody are at odds with the law as it stands.
Eddie’s sacking took place despite an 800-signature petition in his support, a well-supported protest march through Hastings on 15 December 2007 and the full backing of the national and regional PCS for his reinstatement.
Even though he is now unemployed and barred from entering the premises, Eddie Fleming was re-elected unopposed as chair of the union, showing how little faith staff put in management’s allegations.
His employment tribunal is due in June, and another march in his support will take place on Saturday 3 May, assembling at 1pm at Hastings Pier. The PCS is adamantly opposed to fascism in all its forms and is utterly determined to stand by Eddie Fleming until he is triumphantly vindicated.